Predictably, the film I'm going to mention first is obviously "INCEPTION". The whole world and its cat have been raving about how amazing it is and yes that's rather difficult to dispute! But holy mary's clart that film hurt my head in ways I've never thought possible. I feel cheated, lied to, confused, belittled and intellectually inferior because I simply do not understand and that bloody ending threw me. I actually had to fight the urge to throw my popcorn in the air because I was so bemused by the ending.

Not surprisingly, I'm going to sing praises for "Toy Story 3" - although It was released in the US a while ago, the UK have only recently gotten a full release and I finally completed my journey to adolescence by indulging my inner-child in what was quite rightly - the most epic children's film I've seen in a long time. It had everything - the action, the heartbreak, the tender heroics, even the clichéd lovefest! I would not mind seeing it again...
In a feeble attempt to regain my coolness, I want to express my excitement and curiosity for "GAINSBOURG" which I haven't seen yet! I'm really interested to see how the life story of an icon as groundbreaking as Serge Gainsbourg will be conceptualized and translated into a scripted feature? Gainsbourg is undoubtedly an icon, and Joann Sfars has obviously set out to create a surreal portrait of the artist as a young man with a European-vogue lifestyle and a love for cigarettes. I hope the film is provocative because so was he and it will be interesting to see how his journey, fame and romance is dealt with. It needs to be a fantasy, comedic, an erratic biopic cabaret of twist and turns with a dark punkrock edge. It needs to be flawed to attain a sense of beauty and unpredictability which would be fitting of the man himself. These are just my expectations so I'll wait until I've seen it to really give an opinion!
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